Vash Dev, Mubarak Hussain, Abdul Munam.
Frequency and pattern of cervical spine injuries at Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro - a retrospective study of three years.
J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci Jun ;10(2):80-3.

OBJECTIVE: To find out the frequency and patterns of cervical spine injuries at Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro and to compare it with other studies. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective descriptive study. PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Department of Neurosurgery, Liaquat University Jamshoro, from September 2005 to August 2008. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The records of 46 patients between 13-70 years age presenting with cervical spine injuries were included. After resuscitation all the patients underwent thorough neurological examination. Cervical spine X-Rays and MRI advised. The retrieved data was collected on proforma. Frequencies and percentages were calculated for categorical data, whereas mean and SD were calculated for numerical data. RESULTS: Out of 46 patients 39 were males, 7 patients were females. Mean age was 33 years (range 13-70 years). Majority (43.47%) of patients sustained injuries due to fall from height. Six (13.64%) patients sustained C1-C2 injuries, while rest of patients had lower cervical injury between C3-T1. Radiological studies showed vertebral body fracture with subluxation in 21 (45.6%) patients whereas only subluxation without fracture was observed in 10 (21.73%) patients. About 12 (26.08%) patients developed vertebral body fracture after injury, while 3 (6.51%) patients had only neurological cord injury without any bony or ligamentous injury. About 31 (67.39%) patients sustained incomplete cord injury while 15 (32.60%) patients had complete cord injury. CONCLUSION: Majority of patients sustained cervical spine injuries after fall. Cervical spine injuries are common in young adult males. Subluxation associated with vertebral body fractures is the most common injury pattern.

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