Ehsan-ul haq.
Surgical reduction of hypertrophied inferior turbinate: a review and critical analysis of different techniques.
Pak J Surg Jun ;30(4):355-61.

Purposes: Multiple new and old surgical techniques are available for treatment of hypertrophied inferior turbinate. Current study is an up-date which reviews and evaluates merits and demerits of all these procedures in the light of publications. Summary: One of most common causes of chronic nasal obstruction is hypertrophied inferior turbinates. More than a century had passed in att empting and trying to indentify the gold standard of treatment of this problem. Electric Cautery, LASER, Chemocautery, Cryotherapy and Lateral fracture; all techniques damage the mucosal lining which has a few unacceptable consequences. Sub Mucosal Diathermy fulfi lls the requirement of restoration of nasal patency as well as reduction in size of turbinates with out disturbing the mucocilliary function of nose. Radiofrequency and power assisted turbinoplasty are equally eff ective. Well designed evidence based prospective comparative valid studies are required to decide the best technique.

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