Asad Aslam Khan, Aftab Naseem Azher, Abid Mehmood Chohan.
Review Of 100 cases of Phacoemulsification.
Pak J Ophthalmol Jun ;13(2):37-40.

Results of 100 cases of phacoemulsificaiion are presented. 67 were phaco with IOL and 33 without l0L. Out of 67 patients of phaco with IOU, 62 had 5.0-5.5 mm, one-piece PMMA lenses and in 5, foldable lenses were implanted Best-corrected visual acuity between 6/6 and 6/12 was achieved in 58% of patients with IOLs and 48% of patients without IOLs. Visual acuity of 6/18 was achieved in 18% of patients with IOLs and 35% of patients without IOU. Common complications encountered were corneal edema, uveitis and posterior capsule rupture.

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