Saima Majeed, Farah Malik.
Impact of Parental Perception and Child Temperament on Anger Expression of Children with Emotional Behavioral Problems.
Pak Paed J Jun ;41(3):144-52.

Objectives: The primary aim of present study was to investigate the impact of parental perception and child temperament on anger expression in children with emotional behavioral problems especially within Pakistani cultural context. Method: It was a correlational study followed by cross sectional research design. A purposive sample of 225 children with the age range 9 to13 years (M = 11.46, SD = 1.43) were drawn from child psychiatric units of three hospitals. Results: Authoritative parental perception negatively relates and predicts anger expression in children whereas permissive, uninvolved and authoritarian parental perceptions positively relate and predict anger expression in children. Significant positive relationship found between child temperament and anger expression in children as well as child temperament also predicts anger expression in children. Conclusion: Both parental perception and child temperament have significant impact upon anger expression in children with emotional behavioral problems but not in the same direction as most of the western researches indicated. Cultural differences should take into account while interpreting the results.

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