Tanveer Fatima, Aurangzeb Afzal, Sania Ashraf.
Chronic Kidney Disease; Acute Intradialytic Complications in Chronic Kidney Disease patients on Hemodialysis.
Professional Med J Jun ;25(6):887-91.

Introduction: Hemodialysis is a process of removal of waste products and toxic substances from the body using an extracorporeal system. During the procedure, lots of hemodynamic and metabolic changes occur in the body as a result of which patients undergoing hemodialysis may suffer from complications both acutely during or just after dialysis as well as in long term. Objective: To determine the frequencies of various acute intradialytic complications in our hemodialysis patients. Study Design: Cross sectional survey. Setting: Lahore General Hospital, Lahore. Period: 3 months from May 2017 to July 2017. Method: End stage renal disease patients on regular hemodialysis in the dialysis unit of a tertiary care hospital. A total of 81 patients were included in the study. Patients with acute renal failure and acute on chronic renal failure were excluded from the survey. Results: Common complications observed in our studied population included muscle cramps (70.7%), post dialysis fatigue (57.3%), back ache (56.1%), intradialytic shivering (57.3%), hypoglycemia (21.4%), hypotension (37.8%), hypertension (8.5%), headache (13.4%), vomiting (13.4%) and anaphylaxis in 2.4%. Conclusion: Hemodialysis is a complex procedure and can cause many complications most of which are not life threatening. With proper monitoring and immediate treatment these complications can be overcome without causing interruption in hemodialysis.

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