Iftikhar Ijaz.
Nephrotic Syndrome in Children: Changing Paradigm and Therapeutic Options.
Pak Paed J Jun ;42(3):149-65.

Role of T and B cells in pathogenesis of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome is already known. Various new genes as well as lysosomal and mitochondrial proteins have been discovered in last two decades which are found to play role in pathogenesis of idiopathic nephotic syndrome. Transgenic animal studies has led to more clear understanding of podocyte cytoskeleton, which in fact is the key-player in pathogenesis, along with various permeability factors and proteins with their complex interaction with podocyte cytoskeleton and glomerular basement membrane. This understanding has led to emergence of newer, more target therapies on one hand and has delved different mechanism of action for therapies already in use on the other hand. Recent evidence has been generated against prolonged course of steroids with optimization of dose and duration. Insight in pathogenesis of glomerulosclerosis make justification for adjuvant therapies.

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