Omair Majeed, Tabassum Ahsan Quadeer, Maria Habib.
Relationship Between Palatally Impacted Canines and Sella Turcica Bridging.
J Pak Dent Assoc Jun ;27(4):160-4.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between palatal canines and sella bridging as well as to establish the type of calcification of sella common to subjects with impacted canines. METHODOLOGY: The sample included male and female patients aged above 12 years, presenting to the orthodontic OPD of Bahria University Medical and Dental College for fixed or removable orthodontic treatment the sample was 105 divided into subjects (34) and control (71) groups. The control group included patients having normally erupted canines while subjects included at least one palatally impacted canine. The presence of impacted canines was confirmed on OPG while sellae dimensions were measured on lateral cephalometric radiographs. Data was analyzed and factors such as sella dimensions (length, depth and diameter) as well as degree of calcification and its relation to presence of palatally impacted canines was determined by using Chi square test, independent sample t test as well as Pearson correlation test. RESULTS: The mean interclinoidal distance and sella diameter was reduced in subjects as compared to controls. Type II calcification was dominant in both experimental (76.5) and control (78.9) groups. There was a significant negative correlation found amongst subjects and controls using Pearson correlation. The strength of association was higher among subjects as compared to control group. CONCLUSION: Sella bridging is an indicator of palatal impaction of canines as the length and diameter of sella were reduced in experimental subjects. Type II calcification was dominant in subjects as well as control groups.

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