Shabnum Shamim, Amna Begum.
Functional Constipation in Pregnancy; need to Furnish Some More Emphasis.
Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Jun ;24(2):96-102.

Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the occurrence of functional constipation in obstetric population in our context and to explore the extent to which pregnant females were aware of the problem and their usual practices to deal with it. Methodology: This was a cross sectional study conducted on 332 pregnant females, from June 2017 to June 2018 in gynaecology unit 3, Karachi Medical and Dental College (using a convenient sampling technique after taking ethical approval). All the pregnant females visiting antenatal out-patient department from age 17 - 46 years were included in the study. The validated Rome III criteria were used to diagnose functional constipation. Information regarding awareness of constipation and demographic data, with the measure used for relief of constipation identified.The data analysis was performed by SPSS version 20. Qualitative data was presented as frequency and percentage. Bar graph was also used for presentation of the qualitative data. Results: Out of the total of 332 pregnant females, functional constipation was observed in 207 (62.3%) females according to the Rome III Criteria. Evaluating the awareness of constipation and its associated problems during pregnancy our study showed that 61.1% pregnant females responded positively when reporting to doctor about constipation. While encountering functional constipation the most commonly used remedial measure was Ispaghol (Husk) observed in 74 (35.7%) pregnant females. The observations of our study revealed that 89 (43.0%) pregnant women having functional constipation were well aware about constipation and its consequences in pregnancy. Conclusion: It is concluded that functional constipation occurs commonly in pregnancy in our context. Moreover, these females were mostly well aware of constipation and its worst outcomes during pregnancy

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