Ghulam Ali Memon, Razzaque Memon, Mahesh Kumar.
A 21 years perspective of Cleft Lip and Palate and outcome of surgical procedures at Jamshoro, Pakistan.
J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci Jun ;2(1):3-6.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the presentation and commonest variety of cleft lip and palate and the outcome of surgical procedures in our set up. SETTING: Plastic surgery ward, Liaquat University Hospital, Jamshoro, Pakistan from February 1978 to March 1999. METHODS: This Descriptive observational study included 302 cases of cleft lip and palate. All the characteristics of patients, surgical procedures offered and the outcome were noted. Data was then collected and analysed. RESULTS: Complete cleft lip and palate was more common in males than females. Unilateral cleft lip was more common on left side. Meanwhile, Millard`s repair had superior cosmetic results than other surgical techniques. CONCLUSION: Pushback palatoplasty has beneficial effect on the speech. W.K. pushback palatoplasty is an ideal procedure and the early palatoplasty has less speech problems than the late age.

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