Samina Akhtar, Zainab Malik, Maham Jahangir, Maryam Asghar, Rashed Nazir.
Diffuse Ileal Lipomatosis with Mega-Ileum and Ulcerative Colitis: a Case Report.
Pak J Radiol Jun ;30(3):222-5.

Diffuse ileal lipomatosis is an extremely rare idiopathic pathology. It mostly presents with one of its complication like intussusception leading to bowel obstruction, volvulus and GI bleeding. Here we present a case of 38-year male, who was known case of ulcerative colitis presenting with chronic constipation. Patient was sent for CT scan which showed diffuse fat infiltration in the walls of ileum suggestive of diffuse lipomatosis of ileum and it was associated with significantly large calibre of ileum giving a mega-ileum appearance.

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