Shahid Ahmed Abbasi, Karamat Ahmed Karamat, Assad Hafeez, Salman Ali, Muhammad Luqman.
An outbreak of neonatal sepsis in a nursery.
Pak Paed J Jun ;21(4):149-53.

An outbreak of neonatal sepsis caused by a Gram negative bacterium (Klebsiella pneumomae) occurred in the nursery of an eight hundred bedded hospital. Eight neonates were affected and the same strain of Klebsiella pneumonia was isolated front the blood of all the babies. Four of the neonates including the index case expired and four were saved. On investigation the same strain of klebsiella pneumomae was isolated from the resuscitator being used in the nursery. The outbreak was contained by temporarily closing down the nursery and thorough disinfection of its equipment and environment. Such lethal and unfortunate incidents arc a common happening in our setup and can be avoided by the practice of strict aseptic techniques. Careful analysis of the situation and institution of immediate remedial measures arc recommended to contain such outbreaks

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