Robina Ali, Mahnaaz Roohi.
Rupture of rudimentary horn of uterus.
Professional Med J Dec ;14(2):369-72.
Rupture of gravid uterus is a rare but serious obstetric complication. Rupture in primigravida in firs or second trimester generally occurs in mullerian anomalies. A 24 year-old, primigravida, at 16 weeks gestation presented with dull, lower abdominal pain, and tachycardia. She underwent D&C for the presumptive diagnosis of missed abortion few days back. Chronic ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed on the basis of history & examination, and her laparotomy was planned. Upon laparotomy, right-sided rupturd ectopic pregnancy in rudimentary horn of unicornuate uterus was found & ruptured hom was excised. The patient had unventful recovery.
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