Jamil Ahmed, Fahad Feroze Shaikh, Rizwan Akhund, Feroze Memon.
Attitudes and perceptions of muslims regarding use of eye drops in ramadan.
Isra Med J Mar ;1(2):40-3.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the views of Muslim patients regarding the use of eye drops during the fasting month of Ramadan, and to determine how gender, age, socio-economic status, demographics and literacy can influence their views in our facility. DESIGN: A questionnaire-based survey. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This study was conducted during the month of Ramadan in the outpatient clinic of the Ophthalmology Department at Isra University Hospital, Hyderabad, Pakistan; from September 10 to October 10, 2007. One hundred Muslim patients were asked to fill in the specified questionnaire that included questions regarding use of eye drops during fasting. RESULTS: Out of 100 questionnaires, one was rejected due to incompletion. Thirty-two (32.3%) respondents thought that eye drops break the fast if drops go into the throat and are tested. Thirty-eight (38.4%) respondents were of the opinion that eye drops do not break the fast and 29 (29.3%) said that eye drops break the fast whether or not they are tasted. CONCLUSION: The opinion of the respondents was quite variable regarding use of eye drops during fasting. Also, the perception of the use of eye drops was not influenced by age, gender, educational status, residential place (rural or urban) and socio-economic condition.
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