Naseem Saba, Anwar Sultana, Mehnaz Afridi.
Obstetric Perineal Injuries.
Pak J Med Health Sci Dec ;1(3):86-8.
Objective: To study the associations and outcome of the primary repair of obstetric perineal injuries. Design: cross sectional study. Methods: Patients presenting with third and fourth degree tears were included factors associated with injuries were studied. Primary repair was performed outcome was looked after three months of repair. Results: 64 patients were studied in 18 months. 59% were having there first pregnancy. instrumental deliveries and macrosomia are strong associations .primary repair with end to end approximation was done which was successful. Conclusion: Prevention is important .Mediolateral episiotomy and skill of instrumental deliveries can minimies the risk of obstetrics perineal injuries.
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