Tahmeena Ali, Asifa Ghazi, Nasima M Siddiq.
Uterovaginal packing in massive postpartum hemorrhage - a reappraisal.
Pak J Surg Nov ;24(1):57-9.

Objective: To study and evaluate the role of uterovaginal packing in arresting postpartum haemorrhage (PPH). Design & Duration: Prospective case series from January 2005 to December 2006. Setting: Gynaecology & Obstetrics Unit III, Civil Hospital, Karachi. Patients: 108 patients who had postpartum haemorrhage with an estimated blood loss of more than 1500 ml. Methodology: Detailed data of the patients was collected and entered on a performa, and analyzed. Uterovaginal packing of the PPH patients was done, and the outcome and complications were noted. Cases were followed upto one week in the hospital and upto six weeks in the Out-patient department. Results: Out of the 42 patients who underwent uterovaginal packing, 36(86%) responded to the procedure; failure to achieve haemostasis occurred in 6(14%) cases. Caesarian hysterectomy was done in three (7%) patients, while one (2%) expired due to multiple organ failure. Conclusion: Uterovaginal packing is a useful technique for control of massive postpartum haemorrhage. It is a simple, fast and cost effective procedure which can be easily taught to trainee residents for managing a life threatening emergency situation.

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