Mehwish Naeem, Areeba Arif, Haseena Suleman Chagani, Sina Aziz.
Viral Myocarditis - A Case Report.
Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Mar ;21(1):61-3.

Viral myocarditis is an inflammatory disorder of the myocardium, which occurs following a viral infection. The most common agent of infection is Coxsackievirus B2 followed by adenovirus. Here, we present a case of a three and a half year old male child brought to the Emergency Room of Paediatric Unit II at the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, with complaint of cough and fever since three days, associated with difficulty in breathing and irritability. The patient was managed with antibiotics initially; however, soon he had severe tachycardia, tachypnea, and hepatomegaly. His elevated cardiac enzymes and symptoms confirmed the diagnosis of viral myocarditis. He was managed with ACE inhibitor and ionotropic agent, and echocardiography done later revealing a clear report confirmed resolution of the infection and healed myocarditis. This case is notable as its complications are a threat to life, thus an emphasis on early and correct diagnostic tools is necessary to proper management.

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