Ejaz Hussain Sahu, Muhammad Umer Abdullah, Rai Tariq Masood.
Patient Satisfaction from Dental Services Provided by Multan Medical & Dental College.
Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Mar ;22(1):26-30.

Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the level and factors influencing the level of patient satisfaction from dental services provided by Multan Dental Hospital. Methods: Study was carried out at Multan Dental hospital from 1st June to 30th July 2015. Total 256 patients over 18 years of age, participated in this cross-sectional study. Convenient sampling technique was used to select the patients. The Hogan Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire was customised, personalised and used for this dental patient satisfaction study, and response through a Likert scale including answer categories very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, not satisfied, not at all satisfied and do not know, was completed by the participants. SPSS software version 17 was used for analysis. The relationship between level of patient satisfaction and the demographic variables was determined, Chi-square test was performed to establish the level of patient satisfaction and if affected by the demographic variables. Results: Total 29.3% patients said that they were very satisfied with the services. About 43.4% participants were satisfied with the services. Not satisfied with service were 8.6%. A very low proportion (5.9%) of patients were completely dissatisfied with the services. There were 42% males and 30% females who were satisfied with the services. About 49% of patients having an education between 6-14 years were satisfied from the hospital services while only 9% of patients having higher education level were satisfied. The major proportion of the patients showed satisfaction from the services offered at the hospital. Conclusion: Majority of the patients were satisfied with the services regarding hospital care, dental staff provided by Multan Medical and Dental College. Keywords: Patient satisfaction, dental care, sex, educational status, income.

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