Raza M, Afifi A, Choudhry A, Khan H.
Knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards AIDS among educated youth in Lahore, Pakistan.
J Pak Med Assoc Jan ;48(6):179-82.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the knowledge, attitude and behaviour regarding AIDS among educated young people in Lahore, Pakistan. METHODS: An anonymous survey of 733 males and 355 females was carried out using structured questionnaire among educated youth, selected randomly from non-medical educational institutions and work places. RESULTS: Knowledge on exsistance of AIDS in Pakistan was expressed by 698 (95.2%) males and 273 (76.9%) females, in, while only 189 (25.7%) males and 76 (21.4%) females knew its cause. Knowledge of the different modes of transmission was good, however 59%, 48%, 68% and 43% males; 28%, 45%, 59% and 35% females believed that it could be transmitted through sharing of utensils, mouth kissing, casual contact and mosquito bite, respectively. Ninety one percent males and 86% females believed that AIDS sufferers should be isolated. Extra marital sex was experienced by 6% subjects and only 5% used condoms. Generally, males had better knowledge than females except in attitudes towards monogamy and having sex with someone known. CONCLUSIONS: The study revealed gaps in the knowledge of females regarding AIDS and its transmission. The results indicates an urgent need to include health education syllabi emphasising AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the Curriculum of schools/colleges to convey the message adequately to the youth.
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