S Ali Raza Gardezi, Abdul Sattar, Taufeeq Ahmed.
Intravenous Thromobolytic Treatment in Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Biomedica Mar ;16:78-9.

In order to assess the results of intravenous-Streptokinase (SK) in early acute Myocardial Infarction in Pakistani population, a study of 664 patients admitted over 12 months was carried out. Three hundred and sixty eight patients who fulfilled the hospital protocol, received intravenous SK in 12 months period, in addition to usual treatment. In the same period, there were two hundred and ninety six patients, who did not receive I/V SK. The inhospital mortality in SK recipients was 6.52% versus 9.45% in non-recipients. Thus, there was a significant reduction of mortality in the SK-recipient group.

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