Tazeen Majeed, Abdul Hayee.
Prevalence of ABO Blood Groups and subgroups in a population of Lahore.
Biomedica Nov ;18:11-5.

ABO blood groups and sub-groups of A, A1, A2, A1B and A2B were determined in 3000 individuals from various parts of Lahore. Almost half of the subjects were females and half were males, mostly adults with a wide age range, belonging to various casts. Grouping was done by both tube and slide methods of Dacie and Lewis. A1 and A2 subgroups were determined by using anti-A, lectin (Dolichus Biflorus). Blood group B had the highest prevalence (35.8%) in both males and females followed by O (29.6%) A (23.6%) and then AB (10.9%). Sub-group A1 in our study was 21.2% and A2 2.43% (relative ratio 89.74 / 10.26) While A1 B was 8.72% and A2B 2.2% (relative ratio 79.75 / 20.25).

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