Viroj Wiwanitkit.
Overview of clinical reports on urinary Schistosomiasis in the tropical Asia.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;21(4):499-501.

Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia, is a parasitic disease that leads to chronic ill health. It is the major health risk in the rural areas of Central China and Egypt and continues to rank high in other developing countries. The aim of this study is to review the previous clinical reports on urine schistosomiasis. As regards schistosomiasis caused by S. japonicum, S. mekongi and S. japonicum- like in Southeast Asia, have been reported from different countries. However, clinical reports on urinary schistosomiasis are very rare. Steps have been taken to control schistosomiasis in the Philippines and Indonesia. However, since the Schistostoma spp might share the common snail intermediate host, therefore, there is a possibility in transferring of S. haematobium parasite. Nevertheless, Southeast Asia has the same tropical climate known to be endemic area for this parasite. In addition, currently there are a lot of Southeast Asian workers who migrate to the endemic area for work and the workers who go aboard and return might get infected. There are sporadic case reports of urianry schistosomiasis in SouthAsia especially in Pakistan and India. The prevalence on this disease in South area is actually higher than Southeast Asia which could be due to its geographical location. South Asia is nearer to the Middle East, the endemic area in non- tropical Asia, than the Southeast Asia. That is why the prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis has decreased in the eastern part of the South Asia, next to Southeast Asia, especially in Bangaladesh.

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