Soomro Farooq Rahman, Pathan Ghulam Murtaza, Soomro Rashid A.
The patterns of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and differential diagnosis of misdiagnosed cases in Larkana Region.
J Pak Assoc Derma Jan ;12(2):77-2.
The literature on patterns of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Pakistan is scanty. We have attempted to analyze the clinical patterns of cutaneous leishmaniasis in patients attending leprosy unit, Pathology Department and Dermatology OPD of Chandka Medical College, Hospital, Larkana during the month of February 2001 to July 2001 (The period of outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Larkana region). A total of 478 patients having cutaneous leishmaniasis were analyzed (77%) had open infected ulcers followed by nodular, plaques and papular type of lesions. Disease frequently observed in children (68%) as compared to adults irrelevant of sex. 136 patients were misdiagnosed.
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