Muneeb-ur Rehman, Muhammad Salim, Mamoon Ahmed.
Management of club foot by Ponseti method: our experience.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Dec ;68(3):589-93.

Objective: To present our experience of treating the club foot with the Ponseti way of conservative management. Study Design: Cross-sectional prospective study. Place and Duration of Study: Study was carried out at CMH Sialkot and CMH Rawalpindi, from Jun 2012 to Jun 2015. Material and Methods: A total of 39 children were treated by the same surgeon and 35 cases were included in this study. Ponseti method involves the non-surgical management of clubfoot, involving manipulation and casting techniques. The foot is systematically stretched as per Ponseti method into the normal shape and repeated casts are applied. Equinus is later treated by percutaneous tendoachilles tenotomy if required. Results: Our aim was over correction of the deformity before advising for foot abduction brace. Thirty one (88.57%) cases showed excellent results while we faced difficulty in achieving the required aim in 4 (11.43%) cases. Conclusion: Ponseti clubfoot management technique has reduced the need for extensive soft tissue release and major clubfoot surgery. This technique has been successful in our setup too. We recommend that it may be adopted as the gold standard for clubfoot treatment throughout the country and primary health care physicians should also be trained in this technique so that maximum people may benefit from this  

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