Raheela Rani Junejo, Rabail Rani Junejo, Raheel Sikandar, Shahla Baloch, Mehrunnisa Khaskheli.
Obese Primigravid Women; Frequency Of Macrosomia.
Professional Med J Dec ;24(8):1147-51.

Objectives: To determine the frequency of macrosomia in obese primigravid women. Study Design: Case series study. Period: Six months. Setting: Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics Department Jamshoro. Patients and Methods: The inclusion criteria of the study were primigravida women between age 18 to 35 years with singleton pregnancy and gestational duration of 37 to 42 weeks, and during labour with BMI 30 or >30kg/ m2 and All booked women who were primigravid during antenatal visit try to come and BMI calculated by weight in kg and height in meter square. The variables include post-delivery if the weight of baby is 4.5 kg is macrosomic and mode of the delivery. The data was analyzed in SPSS version 17, the frequency and percentage was calculated while the chi-square test was applied on categorical variables and the p-value ≤0.05 was considered as significant. Results: During six months study period total 203 pregnant obese ladies were observed for macrosomic babies. Age group was analyzed which shows that in age group between 18-25 years were 105(52.00%) women, in age group of 26-30 years were 62 (30.69%) women and age group of 30 years and above were 35 (17.31%) women with mean age ± SD of ladies was 24.6 ±6.2 years. Regarding modes of delivery shown 132 (65.02%) ladies had C-section and 71 (34.97%) ladies had vaginally delivery. Weight of the babies was assessed which shows 27 (13%) were born with less than 2.5 Kg, babies having weight between 2.6-3 Kg were 71 (35.3%) , babies were having weight 3 kg to 4.5kg 38 (18.7%) and babies having more than 4.5kg which shows 67 (33%). Neonatal complications observed were macrosomic babies 67 (33.1%). Frequency of macrosomic babies was higher in women with BMI more than 3.5kg/m2 44(21.67%) and in women with BMI between 30 to 35kg/m2 25(12.31%). Conclusion: Obesity responsible for complications during pregnancy and delivery for both mother and babies. Fetal complications are macrosomia and these obese ladies should motivate for maintenance of weight.

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