Noor-ul Ain, Mahwish Shamim.
Effect of Exercise Program on Elderly Patients with Osteoarthritis of Knee.
Baqai J Health Sci Dec ;12(2):31-3.

This study was designed to evaluate, the effects of a physical activity program incorporating aerobic, strength, and stretching exercises in individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee. Studies on exercise in knee osteoarthritis was focused on elderly subjects. Thirty elderly people (23 women, 7 men) were diagnosed with osteoarthritis of knee. The mean age of the patient was 58.3 years. The patients pain was assessed through visual analog acale and physical function through following variables such as walking, limping, squatting, and stair climbing was counted. The overall results suggest that this program is effective for elderly persons with osteoarthritis of knee and that it could contribute to reduce pain and improve their physical function. The overall effects of exercise improve ranges 2.03 after exercise. Aerobic resistance and flexibility exercises was found to be effective in reducing arthritic pain and physical disability. Physical training program is a nonmedical intervention that is safe and efficient for improving the patient with knee osteoarthritis and included in the treatment plan of knee osteoarthritis.

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