Usman Shahid, Faiza Farooq, Khawaja Khursheed, Ishfaq Ahmad Shad, Hira Babar.
Frequency of Pulmonary Tuberculosis on high resolution computed tomography in clinically suspected patients visiting Radiology Department Mayo Hospital, Lahore..
Professional Med J Dec ;26(12):2058-63.
High resolution computed tomography scan, in modern years, is more effective than standard computed tomography scan and conventional chest radiography in localization of diseases in the lobule of lung and in the appraisal of pulmonary parenchymal diseases because of high-resolution power and minimal partial volume effect. Objectives: To identify pulmonary tuberculosis in clinically suspected patients by high resolution computed tomography scan of chest. Study Design: Cross Sectional Descriptive study. Setting: Department of Radiology, Mayo Hospital, Lahore. Period: 15th February 2018 to 15th November 2018. Material & Methods: After taking consent, fifty patients, fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria, were selected by convenient sampling in this cross sectional descriptive study. Demographic details, clinical history and High resolution tomographic scan findings were documented. Data analysis was performed on Microsoft excel and statistical package for social sciences (SPSS v21) and reported by descriptive statistics. Results: Out of 50 patients, pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed in 44(88%) patients, acute on chronic tuberculosis in 2(4%), healed tuberculosis in 2(4%), interstitial lung disease in 1(2%) & post tubercular sequela in 1(2%) patient. Majority were males (n=29, 58%) and most patients belonged to fifth decade of life (n=19, 38%). Overall mean age of patients was 45.14±12.16 years and mostly belonged to lower socioeconomic status (n=38, 76%). Most common symptom and High resolution computed tomography finding were low grade fever in 45(95%) & consolidation in 39(78%) patients, respectively. Conclusion: High resolution computed tomography scan is valuable in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis & its related spectrum of diseases in patients having clinical suspicion of pulmonary tuberculosis.
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