Mamoona Mushtaq.
Percutaneous Ultrasound Guided Aspiration of Ovarian Cyst.
J Surg Pak Jun ;6(3):10-1.

Open non randomised retrospective study of 25 cases of ovarian cysts presented at P.N.S Shifa, Karachi from 0l-O1-1992 to 30-12-1993 is being analysed. They were treated by Ultrasound guided aspiration of ovarian cyst- a way of conservative treatment of ovarian cysts. RESULTS: Cytology report came out to be benign in all twenty-five patients. One patient had aspiration of ovarian cyst following pregnancy. She had history of aspiration in previous pregnancy as well. Her repeat aspiration was performed during pregnancy and pregnancy is going on smoothly. One of the patients had C-Section 6 months after aspiration of ovarian cyst and ovaries were absolutely normal looking on naked eye. No patient had pain during aspiration so anaesthesia of any sort was not required. All of twenty-five patients otherwise were candidates for laparotomy and were saved from surgery. One of the patients had persistence of symptoms and had laparotomy for rupture and torsion of the pedicle, which was present even before aspiration of the cyst.

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