Ayusha Khalid, Amnah Irfan Siddiqui, Umar Ahmed Siddiqui, Waseem Ahmed Siddiqui.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards Use, Reuse and Disposal of Face Masks During COVID-19 Pandemic Amongst University Students of Karachi..
Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Mar ;28(1):36-44.
Objective: Therefore, this study is intended to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice towards use, reuse and disposal of face masks amongst university students of Karachi. Methods: Non-probability convenience sampling was used to conduct an online questionnaire survey assessing personal information, knowledge and attitude toward face mask disposal. Result: A total of 386 valid questionnaires were included in the study. 87.3 percent of participants wear face masks regularly. Only 24.4 percent of students had adequate knowledge about face masks disposal. The majority of participants discarded the face masks in general trash bins, which is very alarming for public health. 39.1 percent showed a positive attitude towards cooperating always with relevant authorities on face masks disposal. 69.2 percent were very concerned about hazards associated with improper face masks disposal. Conclusion: This study emphasizes the necessity that a policy should be introduced by relevant authorities to ensure the proper use and disposal of face masks. Awareness campaigns, regulations and strict implementation should be considered to avoid proper health hazards.
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