Arshad Javaid, Ziaullah.
Malignant Mesothelioma in NWFP, Pakistan.
Pak J Chest Med Jan ;7(1):3-10.

The study was performed prospectively. All the patients diagnosed as having malignant mesothelioma by CT, and closed pleural needle biopsy, were included in the study. Of the 80 patients studied, 52 were males and 28 were females, with age ranging from 34 to 80 years (mean age - 56.29 years). Non of the patients gave clear history of occupational exposure to asbestos. All the female patients were housewives. Whereas majority of males were farmers working in agricultural fields. The geographical distribution of patients is given in Table No. 2. 71 patients (89%) belonged to the northern Districts and agencies of NWFP whereas only 9 patients (11 %) were from southern districts. 33 (41%) patients were smokers and 47 (59%) were non smokes. Radiologically, pleural effusion was present on right side in 43 (54%) and on left side in 37 patients (46%). Pleural fluid was exudate in all the patients. It was hemorrhagic in 44 patients (55%) and straw colored in 36 patients (45%). Pleural cytology revealed malignant cells in 7 out of 80 patients only (9%). Having good general health at the time of initial diagnosis, their was graduals deterioration in patients condition with increasing chest pain dyspnea. Tumor extension at the biopsy / intubation site was noted in 10 patients at the end of 6 months. Metastasis to bone, skin and SVCO was seen in one patient and dysphagia and SVC Obstruction in another patient.

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