Umeed Jawaid, Muhammad Rizwan Nazeer, Ayesha Jawed, Meisha Gul.
Esthetic and Cost Effective Management of Young Female with Moderate Fluorosis Using Microabrasion.
J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll Jan ;12(2):112-4.
Primary concern of majority of young patients visiting dental OPD is compromised dental esthetics or dental pain. Discolorations have significant social and esthetic effects. Fluorosis is one of the most common cause. It is prevalent indifferent areas of Pakistan. Microabrasion was selected for treatment of discoloration in this case report. Microabrasion was performed using slurry made by combining 37% phosphoric acid and pumice. This slurry was applied on the labial tooth surface and mechanically rubbed with a prophylaxis brush in a slow hand piece for a minute, with gentle pressure. The cycle was performed thrice followed by fluoride application. The results of this conservative treatment were satisfactory and patient was satisfied with the esthetic outcome.
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