Raana Jamelle.
Role of Intrauterine Packing in Acute Obstetric Hemorrhage.
Pak J Obstet Gynaecol Mar ;10(1,2):16-20.
There is a tendency to believe that all that is old is out moded and all that is new is better. An intrauterine pack though a much maligned and condemned method, has saved many lives in the past and does save many lives now without any life threatening complications. Sixty seven intrauterine packings were done for acute postpartum hemorrhage in six years from January 1989 to December 1994. During this period 41, 516 deliveries were conducted and there were 362 cases of postpartum hemorrhage. 50 (74.6%) packings were done after vaginal delivery in which main indication of packing was uterine inertia seen in 60% of cases, while 17 (25.5%) packings were done at the time of Caesarean section where main indication was bleeding from the placental site of a previous Cesarean section, found in 58.8% cases. Intra uterine packing was found to be fairly safe and effective method of controlling hemorrhage where preservation of uterus is desired with a low failure rate of 8.95%. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize that there may still be a place faux-de-mueux for the old fashion methods like intrauterine packing in acute obstetric hemorrhage.
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