Yasmin Bhurgri.
Childhood Lymphoma and Leukemia.
J Pak Med Assoc Nov ;56(4):147-8.
In Karachi South, Lymphoid and haematopoietic tissues malignancies, the most common diagnostic group in children accounted for approximately half (49.6%) of the cases in males and 41.9% of the cases in the females. Males dominated and outnumbered the females 2:1 in the 0-14 year age group, 2.3:1 in the 0-9 group and 1.6:1 in the 0-4 year age group. Lymphoma was the most common childhood cancer, accounting for a fifth of the childhood cancer cases. A six times higher risk in males for Hodgkin`s disease and thrice the risk for non-Hodgkin`s Lymphoma was observed, with a high peak in the 5-9 year age group. Leukaemia formed the second most common childhood cancer diagnostic group, marginally behind Lymphoma. Lymphoid series were responsible for three fourths of the leukaemias` in the males and two-thirds in the females. The myeloid series were responsible for a fourth and a third of the cases in males and females respectively. This is an Editorial.
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