Saeed Siddiqui, Khalid Siddiqui, Aijaz Ahmad Sohag.
Helicobacter pylori – findings in patients of acid peptic disease.
Med Channel Jul ;16(2):237-9.

BACKGROUND: The association of Helicobacter Pylori with gastritis, peptic ulcer diseases and gastric cancer is established now days. Frequency of these diseases is very high in developing countries including Pakistan. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a descriptive study expanded over twelve months during which frequency of H. Pylori was noted in 50 patients suffering from dyspepsia manifestation suspecting case of acid peptic disease. The patients were collected from surgical and medical in/out patients department of civil hospital Karachi. RESULTS: Out of 50 (n=50) patients, 30 (60 %) were male and 20 (40 %) were female with a male: female ratio of 3:2. Age range was 20- 50 years with a mean of + / - SD of 37.74 ± 7.31. All patients were of low and middle socio-economic class living in congested overcrowded areas. All patients reported with epigastric pain while 43 (86%) patients were having heartburn. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed 16 % gastric ulcer, 25 % duodenal ulcer, 40 % gastritis, 6 % Oesophagitis and 12 % normal results. Frequency of H. Pylori as per upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and ELISA Test result was 78 % . CONCLUSION: H. Pylori plays a definite role in causing acid peptic disease. The patient presented with symptoms of peptic ulcer and therefore majority showed positive, endoscopy and ELISA test result. Various epidemiological factors like gender variations, increasing age and lower socioeconomic status were also positively associated.

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