Muhammad Asghar, Naheed Asghar, Shahina Mumtaz, Sunia Arif Khan, Ihsanullah, Asif Hussain Munir, Syed Luqman Shoaib.
Frequency Of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Colonization Amongst Hospital Staff In Teaching Hospitals Of Peshawar.
J Med Sci Jul ;24(4):194-8.

Objective: This study explicates the Nasal and Armpit colonization of Methicillin Resistant StaphylococcuS. aureus (MRSA) among the staff working in teaching hospitals of Peshawar versus general community living in university of Peshawar. Material & Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out from March 2015 to August 2015 in Microbiology section, Pathology Department of Khyber Medical College (KMC), Peshawar. Initially, the samples were inoculated on different culture medias. Blood and Chocolate Agar to look whether β-hemolysis occurs. Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA) used as selective media for S. aureus isolation and incubated for 24-48 hrs at 35°C. The presence of S. aureus was confirmed on its growth on medias, colony morphology, gram staining and biochemical tests. It was further processed on Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) putting antibiotics disc Cefoxitin to confirm MRSA observing zone of inhibition around the disc according to CLSI guidelines. Results: A total of 600 samples were collected, 300 samples (150 Nasal + 150 Armpit swabs) from hospital staff and same number from general community. Among the collected sample 48.80% subjects with S. aureus isolates. The total prevalence of MRSA carriage was 46.80% in District Peshawar. Among MRSA carriers 62.7% were detected positive in healthcare workers (HCWs), while 37.22% were carrier in general population of district Peshawar. Prevalence of MRSA among healthcare workers is almost double as compared to general population in district Peshawar. Conclusion: In this study it is observed that healthcare professionals are more exposed to MRSA colonization as compared to general population. Significantly high prevalence of MRSA among healthcare workers is almost double as compared to general population in District Peshawar. Early diagnosis and strict surveillance are needed to prevent its rapid spread.

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