Rehana Rehman, Rabiya Ali, Rakhshaan Khan, Fazal M Arain.
An Organizational Challenge: Reframing Of Leadership to Introduce “Master’s Program in Basic Sciences”.
J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll Jul ;7(4):254-6.

There is a severe dearth of post graduate institutes in our country. Therefore, there is a need to initiate post graduate program for students who have talent and passion for research and teaching. The post graduate program will be aimed to strengthen the multi-disciplinary integrated concepts of Basic sciences as a solid foundation for developing research mentors and educators. This can only be made possible by analyzing the challenge in structural, human, political and symbolic leadership frames and device a solution which is in line with the vision and mission of the organization. Keywords: Leadership, Structural frame, Human resource frame, Political frame, Symbolic frame.

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