Nighat Huda.
Transforming Medical Students Learning: Are Pakistani Medical Institutions and Educators Prepared to Embrace Digital Technologies?.
J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll Jul ;6(4):198-9.

Technological advancement has taken the world by storm with far reaching implications in education as well as on the learning process of students. Inspired by Ronal Harden’s recent blog1on adaptive learning that personalizes the student’s learning experience in an adaptive curriculum and talk of Khan’s Academy founder Salman Khan2 on his global success stories of promoting personalized learning through free online education, I chose to raise the issue of Pakistani medical leadership and educators’ preparedness for embracing digital technologies. In his blog, Harden describes adaptive learning process whereby students master the main concepts through personalized guidance and students learn more effectively at a pace that matches their knowledge needs.1 On the other hand, Khan mesmerized the audience with his rich experience of Khan Academy free online mastery-based personalized learning which empowers students to complete knowledge gaps at their own pace through a broad curriculum and most recent technological tools.2 Living in the world of technology, there is increased evidence that the emergence of Web 2.0 has transformed the role of educators whose authority has diminished as the subject expert.3 For decades, medical students have been trained to learn through lectures and experiences of subject authority; however the technological era now provides greater learning options to students who could learn beyond classrooms and training settings from available established resources and learning communities on the web.

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