Fazal Manan, Muhammad Asghar Khan, Ayaz Gul, Ahmad Faraz, Mohammad Atif Khan, Abdullah.
Frequency of common bacteria and their sensitivity to antibiotics in patients of necrotizing fasciitis.
J Med Sci Jul ;22(1):13-6.

Objective: To determine the frequency of common bacteria and their sensitivity to antibiotics in patients of necrotizing fasciitis. Material and Methods: The study was conducted in the whole Department of Surgery including Orthopaedic Unit, Government Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. Study design was descriptive case series while duration of study was 6 months, from January 2012 to December 2012. Culture reports of 145 patients were performed and analyzed using SPSS 14.0R. Results: In this study, 145 patients presenting with necrotizing fasciitis, female to male ratio was 1.46:1. Average age was 37.11 months + 14.17SD. Distribution of common bacteria shows that Beta Hemolytic streptococci and Klebsiella was found in majority of cases which were 73(50.3%) each, followed by proteus in 60(41.4%), E Coli and pseudomonas in 55(37.9%) each while 58(40%) patients have Streptococcus Viridans and Staphylococcus Aureus were observed in 51(35.2%) of patients. Seventy-five percent of klebsiella were sensitive to commonly available, cost effective drug like ampicillin. Conclusion: The key to overcoming the risk of this disease process is in rapid identification and prompt treatment of these lethal conditions associated with high morbity.

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