Sadaf Chiragh, Mushtaq Ahmad, Shahid Jamil.
Frequency of deep venous thrombosis in cancer patients in a tertiary care hospital.
J Med Sci Jul ;21(3):145-8.

Objective: To find out the frequency of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and venous thromboembolism (VTE) in cancer patients. Material and Methods: In order to find out the incidence of DVT/VTE in cancer patients a prospective study was conducted in the medical oncology unit at Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar from January 2010 to June 2011. Results: Out of 1200 total cancer admissions, 35 patients were found to have venous thromboembolism. Age distribution was 5-60 years. Twenty one were males and 14 females. Seventeen patients had solid organ tumours while 18 patients had haematological malignancies. These patients were treated with inj enoxaparin 1mg/kg/day for 5-7 days, followed by warfarin for 4-6 months or longer. Conclusion: Every patient with malignancy should be regularly assessed for risk of DVT/VTE as part of the standard procedure for hospital attendance.

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