Rubina Mukhtar, Abdul Mateen, Rauf Khattak, Allah Rakha Adil.
Complete Response of Primary Lymphoma of Larynx, a Rare Malignancy To Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy with Literature Review.
Pak J Radiol Jul ;25(4):168-71.

Objective: Primary (Non Hodgkin lymphoma) NHL of larynx is extremely rare. Only a few cases have been reported in literature so far. Here such case is presented to share our experience with review of literature. Methods: It was a male patient presented in emergency with gradually progressing shortness of breath (SOB) and had direct laryngoscopy revealing mass in larynx and underwent tracheostomy. He was diagnosed as diffuse large B cell (DLBC) NHL on laryngeal biopsy and immunohistochemistry and referred to us in MINAR cancer hospital, Multan for further management. Results: The patient was treated with standard multidrug regime chemotherapy followed by external radiotherapy. Complete response was found on investigations at three weeks after completion treatment and was disease free at one year of follow up. Conclusion: Although Primary carcinoma of larynx is extremely rare but once diagnosis is made can be treated effectively.

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