Muhammad Hanif Khilji, Shazia Shahzadi, Asiya Zahoor.
Gender differences on personality traits and intelligence quotient levels during admission in medical college (QIMS).
J Med Sci Jul ;27(3):169-74.

Objective: To evaluate the Gender differences on personality traits & IQ levels during admission in medical college 2017. No significant study on the subject has been carried out in Pakistan especially in Balochistan. Material and Methods: A total of 145 students enrolled in the study, 65 males and 80 females all over the Pakistan and foreign country. A questionnaire along with the IQ test and personality traits Inventory (TIPI) were administered to assess the IQ level and personality traits for the study of medicine. Both questionnaires were in English and distributed to the large group in 4 phases. Approximately an hour was spend on this activity on each phase, some interviews were conducted on Skype (foreign & Rest of country category) both test were taken at the time of admission. Researcher was explained everything to the students.Results: From QIMS 145 Students males and females enrolled, IQ levels & Personality Traits were tested such as openness to experience, conscientiousness, Extroversion, agreeableness and Neuroticism. Data had been analyzed using SPSS version (21). Described data with percentages for categorical variables means and standard deviations for numerical variables T-test was used to compare the gender differences P Value < 0.05 was consider significant. It can be summarized means of IQ level male (108) and female (109) and calculated P value of IQ (P= 0.447 > 0.05) there is insignificant difference between male and female IQ scores. Agreeable (P = 0.009, N = 145, P < 0.05) . Extroversion(P = 0.372, N = 145, P > 0.05). Conscientiousness (P = 0.244, N = 145, P > 0.05). Neuroticism / emotional instability(P = 0.314, N = 145, P > 0.05). Openness to experience (P = 0.287, N = 145, P > 0.05) indicates that there are insignificant difference between the score of males & females.Conclusion: scores shows those majority IQ levels of males, (108) & females, (109). A medical student needs minimum IQ level (106 to 119), the significant difference is observed in “agreeableness” This must be considered during the course of instructions. Changes should also be incorporated in method of instruction. Insignificant difference is observed in other four personality traits.

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