Sadia Nasir, Khyber Bibi.
Comparison between the efficacy of single loading dose regimen and standered dose regimen of magnesium sulphate in patients with severe pre eclampsia.
J Med Sci Jul ;27(4):344-9.

Objective: check comparison between the efficacy of single loading dose regimen and standered dose regimen of magnesium sulphate in patients with severe pre eclampsia. Material and Methods: This research study was coordinated at Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar-Pakistan. The period of this study was one year from April 2016 to April 2017. Study design was randomized control trial in which a total of 256 patients in each group, taking proportion of efficacy of loading dose85% and efficacy of standered dose 92%2, 5% level of significance, 80% power of test and 95% confidence interval.Moreover, all patients with severe pre eclampsia, gestational age > 20 weeks, patients age 20-40 years,with patients having singleton pregnancy while mild to moderate pre eclampsia, gestational age < 20 weeks, multiple pregnancy were excluded. In this study the total patients were divided into two groups, group A: receiving loading dose magnesium sulphate therapy and group B: receiving standard magnesium sulphate therapy. Gestation was confirmed by early available ultrasound in the first trimester or by her last menstrual period date. Good blood pressure control was a key step in both groups. All women in both groups were followed after receiving magnesium sulphate maintenance therapy to detect the occurrence of fits.Results: In this mean age in Group a (loading dose regimen of magnesium sulphate) was 24.1 ± 3.24 while manage in Group B (standered dose regimen of magnesium sulphate therapy) was 24.96 ± 3.79. More over in this study loading dose regimen of magnesium sulphate was effective in all the 256 patients while standered dose regimen of magnesium sulphate therapy was also effective in all the 256 patients.Conclusion: Associated with similar efficacy in controlling convulsions, the use of loading dose magnesium sulphate protocols is a viable alternative to standard dose therapy. Further studies are required to support its routine clinical use

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