Samar Abbas Jaffri, Syeda Rida-e Zehra, Sadia Sultan.
Referral appropriateness for transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) by applying auc criteria.
J Med Sci Jul ;27(4):338-43.

Objectives: To analysis whether the indications for Trans Thoracic Echocardiography (TTE) comply with the AUC criteria, and what factors correlate with deviations from the AUC. Materials and Methods: This was a prospective data analysis. It was conducted from April 2016 May 2016, in the cardiac investigation department at St. Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny Ireland . Data were recorded in a predesigned structured proforma. Results: The total number of patient charts reviewed during this period was 122. Out of these 55.7 % were male, 44.2%were female. The percentage of inpatients echo request was more as compared to OPD requests. The percentage requested by cardiology team was 34.4% as compared to non-cardiology teams were 65.5%. During auditing, it is found that 68% of the patients were requested appropriately as compared to 85 % in the UK. The most common reason for inappropriate request was requesting an echo in asymptomatic patients and the most common appropriate indication was heart failure.Conclusion: By applying the AUC, the burden of unnecessary echoes can be reduced and help to increase the proportion of the request for the echo that originates with cardiologists rather than with primary care physicians which can increase the yield and effectiveness of the echo.

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