Munawar Alam Ansari, Mehar Ali.
Calcium Channel blocker Verapamil: A non Opioid treatment for Acute Opioid Abstinence Syndrome.
Pak J Med Sci Jul ;19(3):173-7.

Objective: Calcium ion plays an important role in acute opioid abstinence syndrome due to its effects on brain synaptosomes. Hence this study was conducted to observe the effects of calcium channel blocker Verapamil as a non-opioid treatment of acute opioid abstinence syndrome. Setting: Twenty healthy opiate-dependent patients seeking inpatient treatment were selected randomly. Verapamil 120mg/day was given in divided doses under single blind protocol. All patients completed the treatment program and stayed in the hospital for 10 days. Results: Verapamil showed a gradual but highly significant improvement in signs and symptoms of acute opioid abstinence syndrome. Conclusion: Verapamil was observed to be highly effective non-opioid treatment of acute opioid abstinence syndrome. Hence verapamil may be given extended clinical trial, because it did not show any adverse effect.

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