Rozian Rehman, Rubina Gul, Shaista Noureen, Zia-ur Rehman, Nighat Musa, Aziz Alam.
Frequency of needle stick injuries (NSI) among health care workers of private sector hospitals in Peshawar.
J Med Sci Jul ;28(1):46-9.

Objective: To determine the frequency and causes of needle stick injuries (NSI) among health care workers of private sector hospitals in Peshawar. Material and Methods:This was a descriptive cross-sectional study of health care workers in private sector hospitals of Pesha-war from April 2019 to June 2019. Health care workers meeting the inclusion criteria for the study were given questionnaires personally about needle stick injuries (NSI).Results: The total numbers of healthcare workers enrolled were 100, but 87 responded the questionnaires. The sample size had 32(36.7%) doctors, 44(50.5%) nurses and 11(12.6%) laboratory technicians. The frequency of needle stick injuries in nurses was 28(70%), Laboratory technician 6(54.5%) and doctors 12(37.5%). Majority 24(60%) of the nurses had needle stick Injuries while passing intravenous lines and cannulas. Conclusion: The frequency of needle sticks injury (NSI) in health care workers in private hospitals is higher. Nurses perform-ing duties in emergency and intensive care units are more prone to needle stick injuries while passing intravenous lines and cannulas.

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