Khurshid Ali, Ahmad Masood Akbar, Ahmad Noeman.
A rare complication: coronary artery spasm after drug eluting stent implantation during percutaneous intervention leading to st elevation myocardial infarction( stemi).
J Cardiovascular Dis Jul ;16(3):122-5.

Coronary artery spasm is define as constriction of a coronary artery segment which may be focal or diffuse, may bein single or more vessels which is reversible and causes myocardial ischemia by restricting coronary blood flow, leading to thrombus formation. we present a case of coronary artery spasm after drug eluting stent implantation during percutaneous intervention (PCI) leading to ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI), which is a rare complication. 1

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