Hafsa Ajmal, Salman Said, Arsalan Said, Rehana Rahim, Rehana Rahim.
Perinatal mortality in booked and un-booked Pakistani mothers.
J Med Sci Jul ;30(1):68-70.

Objective: Perinatal mortality is a key parameter of the health services quality provided to pregnant females and their babies. Perinatal mortality search finds out the status of quality of services, helps in determining the cause of perinatal deaths and how to reduce it in an institution. The study aims to detect the effect of antenatal booking on perinatal outcome as many women in this part of world do not get antenatal care due to various avoidable factors. Methods: This descriptive cross sectional study was performed in Gynae/Obs department, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar from May 2016 to November 2016. In which a total of 165 patients were followed. After approval from hospital ethical committee, written consent was taken from all included mothers. After admission, detailed history and examination was done to exclude confounding risk factors like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, antepartum haemorrhage and malpresentation. Base line investigations were done. Feotal cardiac activity was confirmed by ultra-sonography and monitored by cadiotocography. All the mothers were followed till delivery and baby was followed for a week. Number of still births and deaths in the first seven days of life in the two groups were determined. Results: Mean age was 30 years with SD+-1.27 in this study, the frequency of perinatal mortality was 6% in which 23% patients were booked and 77% patients were un-booked. Conclusion: Our study concludes that the frequency of perinatal mortality was 6% in which 23% patients were booked and 77% patients un-booked.

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