Mahmood Shaukat, Haroon Mansoor.
Reverse Rotation of Midgut Loop.
Pak J Paed Surg Jan ;3(1,2):27-30.

Reverse rotation of duodenum and colon is a rare entity in children. The case of a 12 years old female patient is reported who presented with signs and symptoms of sudden onset of intestinal obstruction. He complaint of a severe abdominal pain, vomiting and absolute constipation of 3 days duration. Abdominal pain colicky in nature started in the umbilical region, spreading within 12 hours to whole of the abdomen with 12 hours. The pain was more in the right hypochondrium and the hypogastric area. The vomitus was greenish yellow in colour with faecel content. At the time of admission the patient was mildly dehydrated, her pulse was 125/minute, regular. The blood pressure of the patient was 100/65 mm Hg and her temperature and respiratory rate were 101F and 18/min respectively. On examination her abdomen was distended with marked fullness in the central area. The abdomen was tender all over, more so in the umbilical area and right hypochondrium. No mass or viscera were palpable. Bowel sounds were absent. Digital examination of the rectum did not reveal any abnormality.

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