Muhammad Younas, Fazlur Rahim.
A cross-sectional study on epidemiology of Rickets in Pakistani children.
J Med Sci Jul ;11(1):26-32.

From September 2000 to November 2001, 47 children with rickets were evaluated for clinical presentation, etiology, risk factors and demographic features in the Department of Child Health, Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar. 80% of children had vitamin D deficient nutritional rickets due to nutritional deficiency or due to inadequate exposure to sunlight. 44.7% children had the history of inadequate exposure to sunlight while more than 60% of children had the history of inappropriate feeding practices and delayed introduction of weaning. Majority (72.4%) were below 24 months and mean age of presentation for male children was 14.4 while for female 21.7 months. Most of the children belonged to low and middle socioeconomic classes. 40% of children had history of repeated chest infections while 59% of them had chest wheeze. Hypotonia and motor delay were noted in 30% and 36% of children respectively. 78.8% children had one or more skeletal changes suggestive of rickets. 36% had history of night sweat, fever or restlessness. Only few children presented with seizure, diarrhea and tetany.

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