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Re: Being Stuck

That’s not the answer to my question. Why are you so bitter? You mentioned about a ‘ghunda’ in your earlier posts. Did he do something to you? You are very unhappy about your MBBS, lol


Re: Being Stuck

It is an insult to even reply to somebody like you who is such a senior but not mature enough . talking about somebody's race creed etc. Looks like a very out of sorts and free gynaecologist who either doesnot have any practice or has been suspended so has no work other than fighting with people half your age.

About the girly boy thing i can understand how macho man you are as you choose this great OBGYN profession. start spending time in work if you still have a licience to practice, otherwise there are few gas stations in NYC that would welcome you.



Re: Being Stuck

BTW, you are very bitter about Zafar Hayat. Did he poke your exit? You sound like a girly boy who would enjoy that.


Re: Being Stuck

Well done. Let's get it all out in the open. If that's your distress call, no help from me, lol.


Re: Being Stuck

Hey let me tell you something.

I was trying to avoid this thing for sometime after seeing your posts. You have been making extremely discouraging remarks to ppl who you donot even know.

what does it means to be a gynaecologist in the states - you are not god. Try to elevate your mentality beyond the perineum and think outside your profession. Learning three operations and a normal delivery and practicing that for the rest of your life in a third class american hospital doesnot make you any special. The day is gonna come when some gora will let you know of what they think of you and than that day you will remember of your own country.

Stop making some discouraging remarks if that is not possible than I believe medicare would cover for your psychiatric visits and haloperidol.


[Edited by ijazali on 20-02-2007 at 02:24 AM GMT]