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Re: please help, anyone
hi. i m shahzad.... from lahore..
i think u must go for national board exam in pakistan by pmdc...thats for international students... before they can start their practice in pakistan.. caz i remember this,,,once this exam been conducted in my col demontmorency college of dentistry
further u can search on net or pmdc office
Re: please help, anyone
Thanks for your reply, seems most of the people on this board are either too busy to reply or don't know the answer to my question. I went onto the website and rung the PMDC office directly, and was told I simply had to do my 'house job'. To be honest, the information is very confusing, some people think I need to sit the exams and others think I simply need to do the house job, I'd love to know what most people think. Also, any tips on what to expect on my house job? I have no idea of how the system works........
Re: please help, anyone
Yes you need to take PMDC exam. I hope you have details from this website One of my friend who graduated from Russia took registration exam a couple of years ago. I am going to Pakistan next week and if I could find his email address I will post it here.
please help, anyone
Please help, I have been searching for information on working in Karachi as a dentist. I am currently in my final year of dentistry at Leeds university, and am moving out to Karachi after my graduation to be with my husband and his family. I wanted to know about the process of applying to the PMDC for registration, do I have to sit an exam or anything? Also, if you could just point me towards some guidance, I haven't found most of the web information very useful unfortunately,and just wanted some general information on how registration works. Here in UK we have a vocational training year, which is a year of work under supervision before we can work for our health system here. Is there a similiar training program here? Any information you could provide me with would be great, as I just have no idea of how things work over there and really really need someone to guide me, and point me in the right direction.
Thank you very much for your time.
Sanaa Kader